The Tire Industry Association (TIA) has issued a new environmental best management practice to manage the flow of tires removed from service by tire generators. The guidelines were created by TIA’s Environmental Advisory Council (EAC).

LacingTiresAlmost all states have enacted rules, regulations and licensing requirements for properly managing the flow of tires removed from service by tire industry generators (tire dealers, retailers, car dealers, service stations, etc.). Responsible management of this valuable raw material is essential to ensure that tires taken out of service are properly reused, recycled or disposed. TIA says the new best management practice provides guidelines for tire generators to follow when tires are removed from vehicles or received from consumers.

TIA Executive Vice President Roy Littlefield says, “The generator plays a crucial role to ensure that scrap tires are not improperly disposed in neighborhoods, waterways or abandoned piles. We encourage TIA members and everyone in the industry to follow this best practice. By doing so, scrap tires can be utilized in beneficial ways and lessen our industry’s impact on the environment.”

This document, along with five additional best management practices, is available for download free of charge on TIA’s website Each of the best practices describes procedures that should be followed for handling, transporting, recycling and/or disposing of items such as used oil, fluids, degreasers, batteries and tires.

Tier-Rack Corporation of St. Louis, MO can help - their tire racks are made in the United States in their factories, and feature top quality steel and components, ensuring that the tires will be safely stored.  For more information, visit today.