Many companies that sell tires have problems with storage.  Finding the perfect rack to keep tires in shape long-term is a challenge, unless a call is placed to Tier-Rack Corporation.  Tier-Rack tire racks are built with wire decking that allows the tires to keep their shape, and distributes the weight evenly across the tire to help it maintain integrity.  While there are always the mitigating factors of heat and cold, pressure, age, and other issues for tires to maintain their safety features, these racks take one worry off the table.

Tire Display RackAnother rack that helps with tire shop profits is the retail tire rack.  This rolling rack will help the tire business immeasurably, giving businesses the ability to move tires across the business quickly, and in a manner attractive to the customer.  This will ensure that the customer only sees the business moving tires on the wheeled rack, lending an air of professionalism to the process, and keeping your warehouse processes out of view.  These racks are terrific for tire shops large and small, and should be employed anywhere that customers will see tire movement.

To order these racks, please visit and call 800-325-7869 today to let Tier-Rack Corporation help your company to figure out how to use these racks to your advantage, and to build the rack for your company to help you reach your goals!